Sunday, January 29, 2012

The babies are coming

It's been a time of transition for my husband and I. We are certified foster parents and for the past few months we have been waiting on the Lord in anticipation for the children He will give unto our care. I guess you could say I've been "nesting" of sorts. It's not been easy though. The waiting is, at times, almost unbearable. But on Friday I received a very exciting call from our placement worker. There are three little boys who need a home. I don't know anything else about them other than they are brothers.

Now, I know without a doubt the Lord has a sense of humor. My husband and I have said all along that we wanted to take in girls (mostly because my husband says it'll spare him having to listen to me talk about recipes and cakes if I have little girls to share it with).

We have the kids room set up for girls with lots of dolls

and stuffed animals.

We have nothing for boys and yet as soon as our placement worker said she had these boys I, of course, said "yes!"

The next few days will be a challenge as we work together with county and our social workers to see if these boys will be able to be a part of our family. But, I know the Lord is in control and I fully trust His wisdom. Our hearts are prepared and the linens freshly waiting on their beds... Keep us in prayer!

UPDATE... Unfortunately, the three little boys were placed in another home, so we are still waiting on the Lord to add to our family. All in His timing!!